May 12, 2009

Kindred Spirit Kards...this is my special friend's site.
She makes beautiful cards for all her family and friends.
Jeannie also sells her cards.

Kindred Spririt Kardmakers Gathering
Lauri, Susie, LouAnn, Pat, Jeannie, Connie, Pam, and Markayla
I'm in the back row wearing red.

January 2011

Jeannie Has A New Website:
Creative Connections!

Also on Facebook

Please take time to visit it.

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Autism is a complex neurobiological disorder that typically lasts throughout a person's lifetime. It is part of a group of disorders known as autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Today, 1 in 150 individuals is diagnosed with autism, making it more common than pediatric cancer, diabetes, and AIDS combined. It occurs in all racial, ethnic, and social groups and is four times more likely to strike boys than girls. Autism impairs a person's ability to communicate and relate to others. FOR MORE INFO please click on the autism awareness ribbon. My nephew is autistic. He is a fantastic kid! Pray for a cure and Please help educate others about autism. Thanks, Con.

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